Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Chabot Election Campaign Implodes

Cincinnati Business article here

WVXU story here - Will Missing Money Spell The End For Chabot's Long Run?

"There are only two explanations for him believing this:
First that he is whistling past the graveyard and knows well what the consequences could be (that is to say, his rapidly approaching unemployment); Or that the 12-term congressman from Ohio's 1st Congressional District is totally disengaged from his campaign organization, and has no more idea of what is going on under his nose than a sea anemone. In other words, he's past it. Time to pack up and head back to Westwood.
Either one of these explanations is serious business."

1 comment:

  1. https://www.wvxu.org/post/politics-chat-chabots-missing-campaign-money-serious-matter#stream/0
