Steve Chabot's sense of entitlement knows no bounds.

An aggregate blog dedicated to removing Steve Chabot, an ineffective career politician, from office. It was started up on FaceBook in the run up to the 2010 election. The blog will feature news and info on anybody running against Chabot in the future.
Based on the nonpartisan National Journal's annual vote ratings, only four out of 535 members of the House and Senate are considered in the ideological middle. The "ideological middle" in this case is defined as falling between the most conservative Democrat and the most liberal Republican. By contrast, in 1982, 344 members of Congress, or 79 percent, fell in the ideological middle.
The military response to this crisis does not require American service members physically treating patients. Rather, military personnel are necessary because they are the only rapid-response force capable of building the medical facilities that doctors need to contain the virus and keep us safe here at home.
When I look at the roads and bridges of Cincinnati, I see opportunities for those everyday Ohioans. Opportunity to bring fair-wage jobs to the city, to attract commerce to invest here, and the chance to clear up the congested traffic and polluted air.
I’m not interested in the partisan rhetoric and biased sound bites that surround Steve Chabot while he neglects our infrastructure. That is why I’m laying out a clear plan to cut through the red tape and partisan extremism, and reaching out to Ohioans to hear their ideas on how to rebuild our infrastructure and expand the opportunities of the Queen City.
Kundrata said that it was during that race that he decided he was, in fact, a Democrat.
"I always knew I was a moderate,'' Kundrata said. "I thought the Republican Party was far more moderate."
But, he said, he learned differently when he saw the influence of the tea party movement on the GOP and couldn't go along with that.
"I’m a Democrat now,'' Kundrata said. "I fully support the unions. I want to strengthen unions. I'm a union pilot."