Friday, July 12, 2013

Steve Chabot's Immoral Allies

Steve Chabot, famous for bedeviling small businessmen with dysfunctional government, has picked quite an ally in his latest attack on economic development - Rep. Mark Sanford R-SC.
Sanford is the guy who told his staff, during a contentious governorship, he was off to hike his 'beloved' Appalachian Trail but instead flew off to Argentina to shack up with his mistress.
Of course both voted for DOMA. What can be said for Chabot's choice of allies? His judgement is abysmal.
HuffPo Article here

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Cambodia Shrugs Off Steve Chabot

Steve Chabot, who owes his congressional seat to a corrupt political garrymandering scheme has complained of Cambodia's election processes and begged the US President to abide by UN policies regarding Cambodia.
Meanwhile Cambodia's response has been, essentially, "MYOB".
Whether the U.S. helps Cambodia or not is within the U.S.’s rights, but Cambodia is a sovereign and independent state
People can say what they want, but the right to decide the country’s destiny is in the hands of the people of Cambodia. - Hor Namhong

A few U.S. lawmakers can’t represent the U.S. government - Koy Kuong

RFA article here